Saturday, 29 November 2014

Royal Armouries 29/11/2014

I decided on a trip to the Royal Armouries in Leeds with my partner today and I forgot they had World War 1 and 2 items on display so I took some photos to add to my blog. I sincerely hope you enjoy looking at them.

A World War 1 soldier painted on one of the walls in the Royal Armouries.

A World War 1 machine gun.

First World War medals belonging to Sergeant Smirk.
A First World War British grenade.

A replica of the poster from the First World War.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Leeds City Museum 25/11/2014

I decided to take a walk into Leeds and visit the German Christmas market for Christmas gift ideas. However I wanted to visit the museums around that area so I decided on Leeds City Museum. It has a variety of objects that were collected and then donated to the museum through well known figures in Leeds. I recommend it to anyone who hasn't been to the museum or to Leeds itself. Here are a couple of snaps I took of some World War items on display.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

War Memorial in Leeds

Last night I decided to go out to the German Market which is in Leeds for a month or so and I knew on my way there I'd be going past the war memorial which is situated near the town hall. It's a beautiful piece of architecture and even though it was dark, I still got a good chunk of it in my photo which I took on my phone. I will take more pics of it soon and add it to this post of my blog. 


I went back into town today and I took a couple of pics of the plaque near the war memorial which you will see is dedicated to those who not only fought for the country but they fought for Yorkshire and Leeds.


Tuesday, 11 November 2014

World War 1 and 2 pics in London.

I visited London last year with my partner and we came across so many interesting things to do whilst there. I took a lot of photos and some were related to the World Wars 1 and 2. Here they are.

 This one depicts the Merchant Navy participating in the First World War and how they sacrificed their lives. I thought it was a beautiful memorial with the two anchors beside it.

 This one is dedicated to the women who played a huge part in World War II. It's a beautiful depiction of what they endured during the most horrific war of the 20th century.

 Finding these pictures is taking me right back. I really need to go for another weekend to London and get some images of the Edith Cavell statue amongst others. This statue is of Alan Brooke (1st Viscount Alanbrooke) who served in the Second World War and wrote war diaries which criticised Sir Winston Churchill.

Introducing Myself.

Hello everyone, my name is Mariette Brown and I am going to publish a weekly blog about anything World War 1 and 2 related. I hope each and every one of you enjoys what this blog has to offer. It will contain images and videos of my visits to different places that have been involved in the wars.  (All this has been inspired by a online course I have been taking.)

I should also point out that today, 11th November 2014 is Armistice Day so I would like to pay my utmost respects to those who fell and made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Lest we Forget. 

 Enjoy my blog  :)